Monday, July 02, 2007

And we're off!

Some of you may or may not know of the passport issues here in the US lately. The passport office is really backed up, and Daniel and I have plans to travel to Turkey on July 12. We bought our tickets about 3 weeks ago. It wasn't until after we bought our tickets that we really were aware of the delay in receiving passports. We sent off our passports on May 2 and just didn't realize that May 2 may have potentially been too late to send off our passports and get them back before traveling on July 12. The passport office is now saying there is a 10-12 week turn around instead of the normal 6-8 week turn around. Well, since we had already bought our tickets and couldn't do much to change our circumstances without help from the Lord, we began praying!!! And...we were given advice to call our congressman. God gives us brains to use and doesn't ask that we just sit around without being responsible. So, last week on Tuesday we contacted Congresswoman Kay Granger. She apparently is a woman with authority because 6 days later, we now have our passports in hand!! Hallelujah, God is good!!

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Turkey here we come!! Sorry we won't get to see you guys this weekend but we understand. It will be fun to see you when you get back from Turkey, we can hear stories and we can introduce you to Graham too.
Love you guys.