Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Yesterday. Yesterday Josiah had his 2nd big mis-hap. The first was a couple of weeks before Christmas. He tripped in the driveway and ended up with this scrape on his nose. The scab finally went away a couple of days after Christmas.
Yesterday, like I said, was his second big mis-hap. And it was a double mis-hap.
It was about 5:30. Daniel's parents are in town and they were on their way to our house for dinner. Daniel had Andrew. I was in the kitchen catching up with Nikki on the phone while preparing dinner. Josiah was in the computer room next to the kitchen when suddenly I heard screaming and saw blood. I hung up quickly with Nikki to discover he had only busted his bottom lip, but he was pretty upset about it and the blood covered his bottom teeth and was pouring out of his mouth - it seemed worse than it really was. We got him settled down and got the blood cleaned up. Daniel's parents arrived and dinner was almost ready when suddenly, I heard screaming again. This time from the back of the house. Daniel runs in the room holding Josiah and says, "It's bad." I looked and a big knot was forming between Josiah's eyes and the area was already blue. "ICE!" I said to Daniel's mother. Josiah was screaming. I was trying to console him while not trying to panic, all the while thinking, "Oh no, his little head must be throbbing. This doesn't look good. How am I gonna get him to be still enough to let me put ice between his eyes?" We sat in front of the TV and put our PRAISE BABY DVD on (thanks, Molly, for a fabulous gift!) Josiah sat fairly still and calmed down quickly, though putting the ice on his bump was still a challenge. It was 6:25 when we finally sat down to dinner...

(see the black and blue between the eyes?)

Josiah went to bed just fine. A little banged up, but fine. He woke up this morning chitter -cattering away. Guess the black and blue between his eyes and the knot on his head and the fat lip are really only affecting me, he's quite resilient!

(see the knot between his eyes?)

Welcome to Mommyhood of 2 boys, right!?!?!? Guess I should get used to the bumps and bruises!!


Michelle said...

Your boys are so cute!

I've figured out why it's tradition for a bride's parents to pay for the wedding: because the groom's parents will pay an equal amount over their lifetime in extra food and medical bills. :-)

Good luck...boys will be boys!

The Tylers said...

God love him...there will be many more of those knots, but let me assure you that they hurt mama's more! Praying for Daniel's dad. Hope y'all have a great visit. Thinking of you all the time, Kim! Love and hugs!!!

The Fantastic Three said...

I can't tell you how many times Chase had a huge knot that was black and blue on his head. For awhile there we thought it was going to remain permanently :-)

Lauren said...

In the world of bumps and bruises, here's to hoping you have more of the "shake it off" / "rub some dirt on it" types than you do these more serious types. ;)