Last night Louisiana came to Texas - homemade crawfish etoufee, red beans and rice, and shirmp fettucine alfredo, topped with a King Cake and Mardi Gras decor. The occasion?

My 32nd birthday!

I think I say it often (well "often" for how little I actually blog these days), but... the ladies you see here in this picture are the cream of the crop. I mean, really. They are regularly encouraging me, pointing me to Jesus, asking me hard questions, walking with me as I endeavor to walk in freedom rather than live under the bondage of religiosity and legalism. They laugh with me. Cry with me. Do silly things with me. Make me a better wife. Make me a better mommy. Make me a better friend. Make me a better follower of Jesus. Which in turn hopefully makes me a better daughter and sister and woman in general.

I know u are so busy, but I loved catching up on your life! So glad all of you are doing great. Many hugs!
Thanks, Suzanne! It felt nice to actually blog - short and sweet, but...recorded, none-the-less!
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