Tuesday, January 22, 2008

World Mandate

"Be still and know that I am God; I will be axalted among the nations; I will be praised in all of the earth." Psalm 46:10.

I have a confession to make: I often don't know really what it means to 'be still' before the Lord.

Does anyone relate?

I mean, it's so hard for me to sit and to still my heart and to wait on the Lord, to wait for His voice. Doesn't Scripture evidently show, though, that God IS in the business of talking with His people? I don't believe that has ever stopped. I just believe many of us are not trained to really still our hearts before the Lord and wait to hear from Him. Daniel grew up in a home where his father regularly encouraged his 5 siblings and him to ask God for answers and to wait to hear God's voice. His dad has recently published a book, He Who Has An Ear (for sale on amazon.com), with some background teachings and examples from the Old Testament to the New Testament of God speaking to His people. The book also includes tangible guidelines as to how to practice hearing from God. Because of Daniel's being raised under this teaching, he regularly says things to me like, "Kim, I was talking with God and He was saying ....... and so I asked Him ....... and then He replied ......" I know my husband isn't a fake. I know his testimony of hearing from the Lord is true. How I long to converse with God like that! And, I'm learning. I mean, I'm not where Daniel is, but I believe that God is speaking to me and I am learning to discern His voice.

Jesus taught us that He is the Good Shepherd and He said that His sheep know His voice (John 10). Jesus DOES have something to say to His people. He IS still speaking.

Well, this weekend we were 2 of over 3,000 men and women in Waco, Texas, at World Mandate, an event where the Spirit of God is so strong and the voice of God is often very clear. World Mandate is a missions conference given by Antioch Community Church.

This was our third year to go to World Mandate together. The entire conference is focused on how and where we can be involved in God's plan for the nations. He does have a plan. No, He doesn't NEED us to spread His glory. But He INVITES us, rather COMMANDS us, to be a part of His glory being made known among the nations. But, it's not just about sharing Christ, period. It's about sharing Christ out of the love and passion that you have for Him because you know Him intimately. Afterall, can you really share Christ in the Spirit without first walking passionately and intimately with Him yourself? I don't think you can.

This is getting long, but I want to share one highlight of our time there. A man named Keith Wheeler was a guest at the conference. In 1985 God called Keith to carry a cross around the world. Yes, literally, carry a cross around the world.

His story is amazing and God has literally opened door after door to allow Keith to be in countries, carrying his 12' x 6' cross into the Middle East, into Asian countries that are hostile toward the gospel, into nations at war, even into Antarctica. After all, Keith reminded us that there are no countries that are 'closed' to God. God's Word says that "The earth is the LORD'S, and all it contains; the world, and those who dwell in it." Psalm 24:1.

If you're interested in hearing any of the talks at World Mandate, you can download them off of Antioch's sermon website.

May we learn to hear the voice of the Lord at an even greater capacity than we are able to now. He IS speaking.

What is He saying to YOU?


Senegal Daily said...

Hi Audis!

I love that picture of you guys. Tres cute.

Here's the scoop on the chess board:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing that! Was sad to miss World Mandate this year...I'll have to check it out online! :)