Saturday, April 05, 2008

Easter Sunday at the Audi household

He is risen! Hallelujah, Jesus Christ is risen indeed! We celebrate His victory over death and His coming forth from the grave. And what better way to celebrate life than to sow new life into the ground!
Daniel and I spent Easter Sunday afternoon together planting flowers in the front bed at our house. We planted gerbers and petunias and after weeding the flower bed we saw that some of the gladialas we planted last year were peeking through the soil again, ready to grow into beautiful blooms again this year.

Have you ever thought about the miracle of growth - human life? trees? plants? flowers? We transplanted some of the flowers, but we also planted seeds for morning glories and moon flowers and zinnias. I said to Daniel, "Isn't it amazing that water and good soil will make this seed sprout and a beautiful flower will come fort from the dirt?" Amazing. God's design and order are absolutely amazing!

purple petunias

pink gerbers

the front flower bed


Anonymous said...

I love your pink gerbers! oh the joys of feeling soil between your fingers, enjoying fresh air, and beautifying your home :)


Carrie said...

I can't believe you haven't posted about your news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Andy said...

Thanks for your kind words and prayers. I hope to see you both soon! Quick do I add you as a blogging friend?