Sunday, February 08, 2009

where has the time gone?

Wow...Josiah is 3 months old today. Amazing. And look at him, not a care in the world! ;-)

Amazing because just 3 months ago there I was, in the hospital bed, having done probably THE hardest thing I had ever done before (well, until the epidural came ;-)), and the result? - little Josiah Daniel came into this world. And, I was so incredibly clueless. How God has taught us so much in the 3 months since Josiah's arrival. We're learning to lean more and more on Him as we learn to care for this tiny being He has put on loan to us. We're learning how to read Josiah's cues, learning how to meet his needs. And in the process of it all, God is showing me a beautiful picture of how He loves me, how He cares for me, how He meets my needs.


1 comment:

thislifeunfolded said...


I'm pretty sure you have the cutest little guy known to mankind. thank you for sharing so many pictures and stories with's been a joy to follow his life these three months. :)

hope you are well! I miss seeing your face!