Friday, June 08, 2007

honey and shea.

It's been an incredibly long week and I'm so thankful for today. It's Friday and I don't have to work!!

I graciously agreed to substitute for a girl's 2 ESL classes for 3 weeks while she is in Indonesia. I thought I sat down and looked at the times, etc. before I agreed. It didn't look that bad on paper....

Here's a quick run-down of my past week.
8-9:30 make copies at the office
10-12 sub for ESL class
1-5:15 tutoring
6-8 teacher's meeting
8:00-9:30 make copies at the office
10:00-12:00 ESL
1:00-4:00 tutoring
6:30-8:30 sub for ESL class (in Arlington)
8-9:30 make copies at the office
10-12 sub for ESL class
1-5:15 tutoring

date night at Chili's with Daniel!!! ahh.....breathe!!!

10:00-12:00 ESL
1:00-4:00 tutoring
6:30-8:30 sub for ESL class

Next week looks about the same. You can pray for us that we have good time together in the little time that we will have together. It will all be much better after the 14th!!!

So, last night after the ESL class Daniel told me he had a surprise for me. I waited patiently, and he came, put an eye mask on my face to blindfold me, led me into our guest room, sat me down on the bed, told me to lie down and wait a minute. Ocean waves sounded on the CD player. When he returned, he brought me a glass of ice water and put cucumbers on my eyes. He then began applying a honey and shea butter masque to my face. So relaxing!!!

I love that he was so thoughtful. He took a 30 minute lunch yesterday so he could leave early and go to Bath and Body Works to buy the masque and come home at the normal time so I wouldn't be suspicious! I love that he knew how incredibly exhausting this past week has been and how I would really enjoy being pampered (I mean, I guess I'd enjoy being pampered any time, but because of a long week, I enjoyed it and appreciated it all the more!) Can't help but brag on him...don't I have a FANTASTIC husband!!??!!?!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Kimmie--glad you are so happy! God is good!