At 26 years old, I sometimes wonder, "God, why in the world am I still single? Why in the world have you not brought my Prince Charming my way?" It's nothing I dwell on, but of course the thoughts run through my mind occasionally, especially since almost all of my friends from high school and college are married and some are beginning families! It's so crazy how though we are all the same age, we are all at such different places in life.
However, I PRAISE GOD for where I am in life! I have seen much of this world, I have fallen in love with cultures - and I'm learning it's not only the Egyptian culture that I love, but any culture. It's all so intriguing to me! He has undeniably given me a heart for the nations and I get excited to get to be a part of the lives of those whose ethnic background differs from mine.
I am a part of something bigger than myself, bigger than what can be seen by the naked eye. And though we don't always understand why we are where we are, He does. He has planned it all out. If we would just TRUST in Him, the days would pass by much more stresfree!
Today, October 10, 2005, I am living in Fort Worth, TX. In January of this year, when I first moved to Fort Worth, I came here with a deep love for Arabs, esepcially Egyptians. Because of the two years I lived in Egypt, God gave me an emmense love for the Egyptian people. I sought out Egyptians and found Ahmed, Mohamed, Sabah, and Ibrahim at the Muslim feast in Arlington. God has developed a beautiful friendship between this family and me. I learned last night when I went to break fast with them, that they will be returning to Egypt at the end of November. My heart broke - I've fallen in love with Ahmed and Mohamed. But, I know that Egypt is their home. They have an older brother and sister there whom they have not seen for 3 years. I knew this time was coming, their days in America would end. I'm thankful for the time I have had with them. Last night Sabah asked me to spend the night with them. And of course, I did! In the hours I spent with the family last night, I layed hands over the boys and prayed healing over Ahmed's legs and over Mohamed's somewhat paralyzed right hand. I ask the God of the Universe, our Great Physician to heal those boys. In the powerful name of Jesus, I prayed healing over the boys. I prayed revelation of Himself to the family. Sabah always listens intently. She sometimes has questions.
I slept in a double bed last night beside Mohamed and Ahmed. Both boys were asleep when I got in bed. I spent the next half hour or so praying over them, praying over their house, asking the Holy Spirit to dwell in their home. I believe His presence will linger there, even in my absence. He is penetrating the darkness.
I woke up this morning and Mohamed cuddled up next to me and kissed me. We layed there, me holding him, while Sabah gave Ahmed a bath. Mohamed took a bath. I helped them get dressed, fed them their breakfast while Sabah showered. The boys and I sat there and I sang to them. I've been teaching them, "Jesus loves me" and I sang an Arabic worship song to them, "Enta Azeemun" (You [God] are great). Mohamed reqeusted for me to sing "Adeemun", as he says it, again. Oh, that God would grow these two little boys up to be fearers of the Lord of lords and King of kings. That the life and breath He has given them would be used for His glory, for His kingdom's expansion!! GOD SAVE THIS FAMILY!!!
I thank You, oh God, for this season in my life. If I had my own husband, my own family right now, I would have missed this opportunity. I would have missed waking up next to Mohamed and Ahmed.