Sunday, October 16, 2005

HiGhLiGhTs fRoM tHiS wEeKeNd

It was a good weekend! Kristin, a girl friend of mine from YEARS back, had her engagement announcement party this weekend in Ruston. For those familiar with Ruston, you can probably imagine what it was like! Lots of people, all made up - makeup, hair in place, new outfit, - smiles and laughs. Katie, a friend from college who is now living in Dallas, and I drove to Ruston together Friday afternoon, went to the engagement party, went to a shower Saturday morning, and came home on Saturday afternoon. We weren't even in Ruston for 24 hours!

Of course I was so glad to be a part of this special time for Kristin and very glad to get to spend some good time with Katie, but one of the biggest highlights was seeing Anna. We lived together for 3 years when we were in college. Since then, the times we've seen one another have just not been enough! While I was in Egypt, she moved to Baton Rouge. Visits to Ruston for both of us are usually packed with family time. But...this weekend, though we only saw each other at the announcement party, it was a breath of fresh air. You know those friends of yours who have been in your life for so long that they know so much about you? I've realized that since my move to Egypt, there haven't been tons of people around me who know me like an old friend knows you. Anna knows that when I go to Taco Bell, I order a mexican pizza - ALWAYS. She knows that when I was in high school I was incredibly insecure about the scrawniness of my legs. So much so that I always asked my friends if my calf muscles looked any bigger! We can look at each other from across a crowded room and guess the thoughts of the other! HOW MANY FRIENDS DO YOU HAVE LIKE THAT?!?!??! Oh, it was SO GOOD to see her!!

And God's blessings and joys didn't end there this weekend - with old friends. No, He's given me new friends as well, or should I say a new friend. He is a man of God, passionate for the nations. Passionate for cultures and languages. Passionate for the glory of God. He is a gift from the Lord. Our Lord's blessings are numerous and I am so undeserving! He is a generous God. He is a good God. He is a loving God. He is a just God. He gives. He takes away. He loves unconditionally. He gives joy to His children. He shows us grace and mercy. My heart is so grateful. He blows me away with His great love! is not for His blessings that we are to love Him. No, we are to love Him. Period. Not "love Him because...", but "love Him." My prayer is just that - that I wouldn't love God because of what He blesses me with or what He is teaching me, but that I would love God because He is GOD! That I would love God. Period.


Anonymous said...

Hey Kimmy! I'm jealous you got to spend time in the Russ-town. Your description of lil' Ruston is perfect. Can't wait 'til you bring your new friend by the house to hang out! He'll have to play a game of trivial pursuit to get Austin's approval. I love you with all my heart. I love staying up late, giggling, and being giddy with you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Kim: It really is a small world. My friend Ben Bradley just popped in my office and told me about our friend Daniel (from Turkey) dating a girl that Ben thought he remembered from Acts 2000. IT IS YOU. Weird. Weird. Weird. I haven't kept up with Daniel, we barely knew each other, but yep, he is indeed a great guy. Congrats! Mandy Bartholomew

auDi tHis woRld said...

Hey Mandy!! Yes, Daniel is an amazing man of God and I am blessed to be in this relationship. Indeed, it IS a small world afterall. "It's a small world afterall. It's a small world afterall. It's a small world afterall. It's a small, small world!!" Good to hear from you and thanks for the 'congrats'! What's going on with you these days? Ever go to Ruston?